
Posts Tagged ‘FIERCE’

There are three days until the Project Runway season premiere, which means there are also just three days remaining before all the Christian Siriano jokes stop being cool. So hurry, and get in the rest of your hot tranny messes now, before the world moves on and you sound like a deranged time-capsule alien.


And yes, “fierce,” used in a PR context, is about to be retired as well. (Thank god.) But luckily, for those of you who think the word is being killed off before its time, you can rest assured that fierceness will live on in America’s Next Top Model Cycle 27, which starts this fall.

SO. Giggle at that sillywilly SNL skit ONE more time, reminiscent about your fave-fave episodes, and let’s let this whole Christian schtick be packed away in that box alongside Tom Cruise’s couch incident and people who still say “stoked.”

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